Explore Sri Lanka is a Norwegian tour operator that offers a one-of-a-kind and well-crafted adventure tours in Sri Lanka. You have the option of selecting a pre-packaged tour or designing your own tour with the help of one of our experts. We are bound to offer you unique excursions that will give you insight into how Sri Lankan culture and diversity work through a well-established network and a selection of the 410 best hotels. You will be well looked after in collaboration with the island nations' most unique experiences, and your safety is extremely important to us at Explore Sri Lanka.

Our Story

In 2020, Roshan Dayananda, who has been based in Oslo since 2003, fulfilled a lifelong desire by establishing Explore Sri Lanka. The native of Sri Lanka has been seeing the sights and absorbing the local culture.
After almost twenty years in Norway, he has gained a deep appreciation for Norwegian culture, society, and tourism, and this has prompted him to see the reciprocal benefits that both countries enjoy. Many Norwegians have found inspiration in his willingness to share his knowledge and experiences about Sri Lanka at any time.
Instead of keeping his wealth of expertise to himself, he wanted to share it with all of Norway. As a result of this, he started "Explore Sri Lanka: Your Travel Guide to Sri Lanka and the Maldives."


Explore Sri Lanka AS Team

Dulindra Chrishmal Rajarthnam
Dulindra Chrishmal Rajarthnamchrishmal@exploresrilanka.no

What you are contributing to the sustainable world by traveling with Explore Sri Lanka AS!

Travel Kindly


Explore Sri Lanka AS is working with service partners which utilize natural heritage and natural sites throughout its business operations. Having understood the portion of the ecosystem that collaborates with the day-to-day business, Explore Sri Lanka AS has decided to drive through a sustainable journey. The vision of Explore Sri Lanka is to achieve service excellence in all our activities by going the extra mile for our customers.

"Travel Kindly" is our guiding concept for a responsible and sustainable travel engagement in Sri Lanka.


Green Pass Traveller

GREEN PASS TRAVELLER is being a traveller with a conscience towards a responsible holiday at the destination. GPT will relish sustainable excursions, authentic experiences, responsible transportation, and nature-friendly products. Ultimately, the traveller will enjoy the destination contributing towards a healthy planet and can boast as a guilty-free traveller by cancelling the total carbon emission incur during the tour. As an option, we are happy to make your tour an environmentally friendly tour which helps to sustain the tourism industry as well as the healthy environment.

Travelife Certification

Partnered with the service providers who have compiled with more than 190 criteria related to an operator's office management, product range, international business partners and customer information to be awarded the Travelife certification.

ISO Certification

Explore Sri Lanka AS is partnered with tour operators who establish, implements, maintain and continually improve an Environment Management System and Occupational Health and Safety, including the process needed and their interactions in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

CSR Projects "EcoWell"

CSR Projects "EcoWell" is an initiative of Explore Sri Lanka AS together with heritage Panduwasnuwara to enhance the quality of life by offering purified water to the public institutes and people in Hettipola maintaining the social responsibility back to the society. The project has been taking place continuously on a daily basis since 2021 April.
Image Credit
Image credit goes to the original source, and any images used by Explore Lanka will be credited to the original owner.

About Us

Explore Sri Lanka is a Norwegian tour operator that offers a one-of-a-kind and well-crafted adventure tours in Sri Lanka. You have the option of selecting a pre-packaged tour or designing your own tour with the help of one of our experts. 

Contact Information

+47 995 41 448

Explore Sri Lanka Norway
Ullern Gårds vei 5b, Oslo, Norway, 0382

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